1. Terms of Use
Scott I. Lee from ScottLeeMD.com created this website for informational and educational purposes only. All information provided on this website represents his opinion. This opinion does not substitute for a thorough, in-person clinical consultation. While this website allows you to post comments, he is unable to provide medical advice through comments or replies. As such, this website and any exchange of communication does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. If you have an urgent medical issue or emergency, you need to call "911" or present to the nearest Emergency Room. By using this site, you agree to hold Scott I. Lee from ScottLeeMD.com harmless from any ramifications (medical, financial, or otherwise) that occur to you as a result of acting on information found on this site. The reading of information on ScottLeeMD.com is of your own free will. If you do not accept these Terms & Conditions, please cease use of this website immediately.
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Unless otherwise noted, Scott I. Lee from ScottLeeMD.com is the legal copyright holder of all material on this website, and it may not be reproduced, reprinted, or modified without his express written consent. This is inclusive of all logos for ScottLeeMD.com as well as the Spinal Tap Blog.
3. Reserve Rights
Scott I. Lee from ScottLeeMD.com reserves the right to delete any comments submitted to ScottLeeMD.com due to: comments containing language that is deemed to be inappropriate (e.g. profanity, slurs, offensive terms), comments deemed to be spam. He also reserves the right to edit any website content on ScottLeeMD.com at any time.
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This website contains links to other sites. Scott I. Lee from ScottLeeMD.com is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of other sites.
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This website occasionally uses clinical images and stories from actual patients for educational and illustrative purposes. These images and stories are indicated as such. All identifying information has been removed from these images and stories in compliance with HIPAA. These patients have provided express written consent to allow their HIPAA-compliant images and stories to be posted on ScottLeeMD.com. Testimonials and comments are also submitted to this website. All identifying information is removed from these testimonials and comments unless there is express written consent from the individual submitting the testimonial or comment to allow publication of identifying information.
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By using this website, ScottLeeMD.com, you are providing consent to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy as outlined above. Changes to this Privacy Policy will be visible on this webpage.
Scott I. Lee from ScottLeeMD.com has no financial or industry relationships to disclose.